AtYyA – Depth Perception Remixes Vol. 2 2017 #Psychedelic #Psyglitch #Psydub #Psybass #Chillstep #Tribal Второй том ремиксов на "атьевский" Depth Perception распускает перед нами цветастое веретено совершенно новых узоров и петель. Здесь есть за что зацепиться как людям-визуалам, так и аудиалам, ценящим звуковые изыски и эксперименты. ..... PsyLeaders ..... + Radio Boga Depth Perception Remixes Vol 2 is a 10 track remix album featuring an amazing and diverse roster of many world influences ranging from South American, West African, Middle Eastern, and Jamaican, as well as modern sounds from Cascadia and Eastern Canada. I handpicked this roster with the premise of artists with amazing vibes, unique / ethnic influences, intelligent composition and alotta love for the music. Thanks to all these incredible artists! and yo - I wish everyone to be sooo happy and live the best life ever! I love knowing that perhaps bumpin this album will add mo smiles and love filled moments to your life! Mastering By AtYyA released May 24, 2017 Buy HQ↴

Теги других блогов: Psychedelic Psyglitch Psydub Psybass Chillstep